Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Before & After.....

I just made a big change...a 10 inch change! I got all my hair chopped off!!! I have been growing it out for the past year and a half and finally decided to take the plung. I really wanted to donate my hair to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths program. They use donations to make real hair wigs for women that lose their hair to cancer. This is something that I have been thinking about for some time now and really felt like I needed to do it. Althought I don't personally know anyone that is dealing with cancer right now, I have always had a desire to help those that do. I certainly don't have the money to donate or the knowledge to help find a cure, but I wanted to do something, even if it seems small. I can't imagine losing all my hair. How devastating it would be, as a woman to be bald. Your hair defines you in so many ways. I am blessed with my health and a full head of hair, so why not share it? I know that no matter how short I get it cut, it will grow back! Not everyone is as fortunate. So, I did it! I went this afternoon (kind of on a whim) and got it chopped to my chin (and even shorter in the back). I now have my ponytail sitting on the table, ready to be mailed off. Do I absolutely love my hair this short? Maybe not. But I did it for something so much more important than my looks. Like I said, it will grow back. I mean, I don't hate it, but I did enjoy having long hair too. It's definitely different. I just pray that some woman, somewhere, will be able to have their bare head covered with some of my hair. :-) I strongly encourage any one that is thinking about getting their hair cut to wait until you are ready to donate 10 inches. Sure, it may take a little longer and it may not look exactly like you want it to for a while, but it's totally worth it! I understand that this really just isn't an option for everyone, and that's okay too. Just know that if you can grow it out and then take the big step to cut it all off, you are making a difference. In the long run, will you really miss it? Nah. :-) Check it out:


Suzanne Rowe said...

I LOVE IT!!! you are so beautiful!

lewister said...

The new style seems to suit you well, so give it time. You might come to love it. :-) I'm donating my hair in another couple of months. There are days I love it long, but I'm definitely getting to the point where I'm looking forward to short summer hair. And to being able to blow dry and style it again. This trying to keep your hair perfectly healthy bit is tough!!

cristina said...

I've always loved you with short hair, and always wanted to donate mine! This is so exciting!

Jen said...

That's awesome! I've never been able to grow mine out that long, but have always wanted to. May you be blessed for blessing others!

Amy Middleton said...

that's awesome, and your hair looks great!