I took a blogging break for a few months, but I'm back! :) The holidays are always so hectic that I just couldn't keep up with the blog and then once I got out of the habit, I forgot about it. But since I so love reading everyone else's blogs, I figured I should return the favor. :)
So, what have I been up to for the last 4 months or so....not too much! We spent the holidays in Florida with family and loved every minute of it! We were able to spend Christmas with all of my family, which we hadn't done in a LONG time! It was so great to have everyone together. Hopefully we will be able to do that more often in the future. I so wish we all lived closer to each other. My sister lives in Ohio, my brother lives in PA (soon to be L.A!) and our parents live in FL....so we are all over the place! We stay in touch, but it's hard being so far apart. :( Maybe one day they will all get smart and move to ATL! (hint, hint)
I also turned 26 in November. That was a hard birthday for me, for some reason. I really struggled with the idea that I was past my mid 20s and had moved into my late 20s. I certainly don't feel 26! And I had a whole different picture of what 26 would look like for me. I envisioned having at least 1 baby by then, but obviously the Lord has different plans.
We also went to Vegas in November! We always love going there and had a blast! But the highlight of November was definitely our Trash the Dress Photo Shoot. After 4 years of being married we finally were able to get some great shots together. I put my wedding dress back on (which still fit just like the day I got married!) and got my hair done and spent the day taking pictures. Our friends James and Lindsay are amazing photographers! I highly recommend them if you have any need for pictures (wedding, engagement, new baby, trash the dress, anything!) Check our their website: http://www.annodominiprod.com/
February has brought with it some VERY cold days and will hopefully bring some snow! We had a few very light flurries in January, but nothing that ever stuck to the ground, so I'm holding out hope that snow will come this month! I mean, if it's going to be this cold it needs to snow! Otherwise it's just miserable. February also was the start of our infertility testing...yippy! (well, technically I guess it started in late January, but who's counting) Brian did his testing and now we are waiting on the results. It was a lot tougher than I had expected it to be. I was very emotional on the day of the testing and really didn't think it was going to be that tough. I'm just thankful that it's over! Once we get the results of Brian's test, we will take the next step which will be my testing. My tests are a lot more complicated, so it will take at least a month to get them all done. This is definitely not the way I envisioned us becoming parents. No one ever thinks that they will have to go through all this. Aren't there so many women that become pregnant by accident or after just one try? Why could I not be one of those? We don't know the answer to that question, but we do know that the Lord is in complete control. The Lord's plans are so much greater than ours and I am so thankful that my Savior has a greater plan for my life. Despite the emotional ride this journey has been, there is a peace that the Lord has given me to make it through. Every time that I get discouraged or lose hope, He is right there to pick me back up. He is constantly reminding me that He is in control. I am so thankful that I don't have to do this alone. It is out of my hands and there is nothing I can do (or not do) to change His plan! So, we wait. We wait on the Lord's timing and trust that He will give us the desires of our hearts.
26 is still MID-20's!! I keep telling people that. Save the LATE 20's for 27+ (which I will be hitting this May!! eeek)
Honestly, I feel almost like I know more people who are having trouble getting pregnant than those that aren't, but that might be tainted with the fact that James and I haven't gotten preggers the first time we thought about it... anyway...
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